Flow of Control (Control Flow) Control flow refers to the order in which instructions, statements, and function calls are executed in an imperative program. It determines how the program progresses based on different structures. Types of Control Flow Sequential Execution – The program executes statements one by one in order. Conditional Execution – The program decides which block of code to execute based on a condition (e.g., if/else in most languages, jne in assembly). Loops (Repetition) – The program repeatedly executes a block of code (for, while, do-while). Function Calls – Control is transferred to a function and returns when it completes. Exception Handling – The program attempts to handle errors using structures like try/catch/finally. Some control flow structures can be combined, such as using while with break, continue, or goto for finer control. ...
Jay Gandhi
Hey there👋 I am a Software Engineer (individual contributor) with 9+ years of experience with a background in full-stack development and big data solutions. Passionate about developing great product offerings with great people and great teams. Interested in system engineering, software development, UI/UX and product management.Log in Apache Kafka
There are numerous articles discussing Apache Kafka[1], covering how companies utilize it, the problems it addresses, and how to create producers and consumers. Instead of diving into those topics right away (which I will certainly cover in future posts), let’s first explore its origins and what makes it faster than other messaging solutions. What is Log? The very first line of the Kafka paper[2 ] says Log processing has become a critical component of the data pipeline for consumer internet companies ...
Notes on Write Amplification versus Read Perspiration
This was shared by one of the colleagues on Relog server on Discord. The discussion was about how log-structured based databases are not meant to have a 1:1 read per write ratio. There are various ways to tune the data structure to favor one over the other. You can read the original article from here . About Pat, He is one of the top publishers in different subject areas like distributed architecture, database transaction processing, etc. You can find the details of his latest research articles on his ACM profile page https://dl.acm.org/profile/81100628190 . Blockquotes in this post are the notes, I’ve picked from his article. ...